View from Raedykes fort towards the coring location (peat near to the trees). Thanks to Angus Holman-Bard from Rickarton estate for the permission to core.
The aim of this analysis will be to understand agricultural change which may have been impacted by Roman incursions through high resolution analysis and comparison with other sites.
Coring team included myself, Tim Mighall, Adam Matthews (visiting student) and Nicolas Ravasi (MSc student). We were able to extract 4 m of peat. Samples have been sent off for radiocarbon dating. I'll be analysing the pollen from this core once we know the dates.
Below: Photo of one of the core segments (lots of alder wood)

Raedykes Roman fort:
The fort encloses 37 and some scholars believe it to have been a temporary, marching camp built in AD 83 or 84 during the brief campaign conducted by Gnaeus Julius Agricola, but apart from antiquarian excavation in 1912 the fort has never been excavated let alone radiocarbon dated. Other scholars have argued that it could be Antonine or Severan

Photo by Ian Ralston (1985) Aberdeen archaeological surveys

Unfortunately the top of the Raedykes core begins during the prehistoric Iron Age. What I would like to do is go back and retry a different location. Either slightly higher up, near to the same location or nearby at the Red Moss of Netherly which has also been extensively cut, but the walk ways haven't. The walkways are very compact though and perhaps somewhat dessicated but might be worth a try.